Friday, January 15, 2010

What's for dinner?

"What's for dinner?" my grandma asked me via voice mail this week. Being a bad return caller, I haven't called back yet (tomorrow!) but I'll post here instead.
Last night was a fun filled evening with pesto salmon! I made my own pesto, baked the salmon with the pesto on top (thanks Jess!) with roasted potatoes and super salty green beans (thanks Jason!) and the best ever brownies (thanks Zach!)

I was a little nervous about the salmon and potatoes ALWAYS take at least twice as long as I think (and I never learn!) but it was DE-LISH.

Happy weekend everybody! What are you doing tomorrow? I'm going to SF!


  1. So yummy!!!! Thank YOU, TLG!!!

  2. Christy, you continually amaze me with all the new and wonderful things you are doing in the kitchen. This sounds SOOOOOOOOO good!!!! I am jealous and I am going to go to the store tomorrow and buy ingredients for something yummy. I shall have to look at your recipes. I've been a bottomless bit lately but haven't really been indulging it. After today I can! Lindsay and John's wedding here I come!
