Saturday, October 22, 2011

4th of July Decor

Because this year I was married to a veteran on July 4th, I felt I should do a little somethin' for 4th of July. I got this idea off of one of my favorite blogs, here. I can't find the exact link, so feel free to go over there and read a post, or 20, and then REALLY want to make some themed cupcakes.
The general idea of this door hanging is pretty simple. 1) Buy book at goodwill, or pick one off your shelves.  2) Paint said book with desired decor.  3) Seal paint. (I chose to use mod podge)  4) Hang with ribbon from nail on door.   5) Repeat for other holidays.

So far, its October and this bad boy is still out on the door.  I might try to come up with something new for Christmas, or maybe a fall wreath...if I can get some burlap. I'm just wondering, does anyone else out there do any decorating for the seasons?  I want to get into it - just slightly - not to the point where I have tubs of things dedicated to every season.

1 comment:

  1. I have a small wall hanging on my door that I can put flowers in and change them out for seasons/holidays. Of course, most of my stuff is still in storage in SLO, so I've been buying more down here. Not too much, since I'm hoping to get my stuff down here eventually. The only problem is that our door is one of those security doors that's dirty and you can't even see my door hanging unless you open the door. Need to clean it or change it. Personally, I'd like to change it. Have fun decorating. :)
