Saturday, June 1, 2013

28 Weeks

28 weeks
I keep thinking of clever (I think they are clever) things to blog about (or non clever but still interesting) yet at the exact moment I'm in front of the keyboard, I'm coming up blank. However, since I scheduled a bunch of topics previously and now I'm all out of those (I should have spaced them further apart!) here I am rambling.
1) I saw the most AMAZING baby blanket at Beverly's this week. This coming from the girl who swore off sewing blankets after last Christmas. This, however, is only 40x40 and uses 5 types of flannel...I think its really cute...however Beverly's fabrics are not cheap and Jo-Ann's, not so cute.  So I'm dreaming of making the blanket (and a few extras for others) but not sure if I'll do it. Its a tough call, because there is a pretty darn cute and SUPER soft blanket for the same price (if not cheaper, and no labor) at Kohls that I also love, its just not handmade. Dilemmas.
2) Baby boy is the size of a head of iceberg lettuce now.  I got my first public pregnancy acknowledgement this week - before no one has said (or guessed) anything, probably just thinking I just had a big belly or were too self-concious to ask.  Tiny kicks have turned into massive belly shaking kicks and rolls.  We saw Star Trek and there were 2 particularly loud/great music (he still loves music) where he was moving like crazy.  Allegedly he will run out of room soon and these kicks and rolls will become a lot more uncomfortable for me...
3) Cankles. From air and car travel and heat. Not pretty. Dont' want to say anything else about that.

Ok...I think that is pretty good for now. 


Emily Sternfeld-Dunn said...

gurl, I'm sure you are rocking the cankles. Seriously though, get off your feet whenever you can!

You are going to get more baby blankets than you'll know what to do with. I wouldn't buy or make any...

jess said...

I don't believe the cankles report. I just saw you on Saturday and you looked perfect.

Katie Lady said...

I agree with Emily. I know it might be hard to wait, but just wait until you see all that you get!