Monday, September 16, 2013


Week 3 with John was a real doozy. 4th week got better, but we had company and I tried to sleep and so I didn't get around to uploading my pictures. I'll make up for that now.
around 2 weeks, smiling (I think?) while laying on my shoulder

Trying out the bouncer. He isn't a fan. Started screaming right after this picture.

During week 3, Squirmy Worm wouldn't sleep in his bed (or not longer than 20-50 minutes.) So we rocked the Moby Wrap. A lot. Or took turns holding him. Here he sleeps through some studying with Dad.

We see a fair amount of this...especially if I don't feed him .025 seconds after waking up from a nap. When he is really mad, he grabs his face or hair and pulls. Tthen cries harder because he hurt himself. i'm really considering those hand covers or putting socks on his hands until he has better control.

Spontaneous smile. I LOVE this kid's smile!!

Stares at Daddy a lot...

1 comment:

  1. Those last two pictures just kill me.. Too adorable for words!
