Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our kid

We are almost to 4 months, so I will call this our official 4 month post.

John has, for the last 2 days, successfully cried it out into naps in his bed. Wowser! The naps still only last exactly 45 minutes, but the 15 minutes of jabbering or crying plus the nap means an hour of time for me. I've been using that hour to nap, mostly, due to being really sick.  After some naps (he always wakes hungry) he falls back asleep while nursing or burping. I don't know what to do at that point but so far I've just held him so he could get his long afternoon nap.

I had a bit of an epiphany last night when I pumped (boys were at a party) and I only got THREE ounces instead of 6-7. I'm starving my kid at night! No wonder he eats every hour or two in the evening and needs to wake up at 1 and 4 to eat.  Previously a 6 hour night stretch was no problem...until 3 months when we had a few weeks of night wakes, which are gone now except the hunger wake ups. So last night, I nursed him and gave him 2 oz by bottle from our stash and...he slept til 4. Awesome.  I, however, only slept until 2 with this horrible cough.  When he did finally wake, I couldn't get him all the way back asleep (our nighttime routine) before putting him in bed due to all the hacking. So I put him in bed anyhow and I'm hoping the cry it out going works at night too. First he just jabbered a bunch but now he is pretty upset. 10 more minutes and I will go get him. (Yes, drafting this blog at 5am...doesn't everyone blog in the middle of he night?)  **UPDATED** CIO does not work at night. Woke Daddy up though, got hungry again, and by 6 mommy was back in bed and Daddy was doing baby duty

We've started "tickling" Daddy in the mornings (more like a dog digging a hole/scrambling at his arms or whatever is closest) but John seems to think it's somewhat amusing. He is also a pro hair grabber (well, we did teach him to grab stuff dangling in his face...he's just TOO SMART!) and just started this week grabbing at the table stuff while we eat. We are doomed! He doesn't like to play by himself as much as he used to, which is hard. I think he would prefer to sit up and play, but since he can't do that yet. He loves to be on his changing pad (sound familiar, Anna?) and talks a ton while we are there. Then I move him to his mat...over. This morning I moved him to the ground (memory foam mat) so I could go to the bathroom and he seemed to like that. Maybe the changing pad is just really comfy?

Hm...I need to upload some more pictures. Now that Zach's finals are over - I have my husband back!!!  Now if I could just get my health, we'd be on a roll...

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