Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nothing special

Non-baby topics? Does anyone even read this anymore except for John updates? Who knows. I do know that I love reading all sorts of updates from other friends, from kid stories, hearing about favorite products, and thoughts from the heart.  So I'm challenging myself to write something more about myself or something interesting.

This is a busy time for us. Well, mostly Zach. His senior project is shooting their film at the end of the month and into May. He is the Assistant Director so he has a lot of pre-production responsibilities organizing the 6 days of filming.  Plus there are 3 other senior projects in full swing as well and everyone is helping on the other projects as well.  This makes for long weekend days away working on sets and lots of Mommy-John time on weekends. (Oops, I just talked about the baby.)  I don't mind this time since I'm back to working full time and I don't frequently get full days with John. But I find myself cramming activities and chores into our time together, at the expense of reading books and tickles.  I wonder if he likes playing with the babysitters (15 hours/week) more than me since they devote all of his waking time to him.

I was feeling pretty low last week, no real reason why, probably mostly stress.  After the weekend with John and visiting some friends, I felt a lot better.
At a church work day Saturday.

I did a trial box from Citrus Lane. Its a company/website that sends you a little box of baby treats monthly. There was a deal and I was able to get a trial box for $9.  However, the site is devoted to showing you awesome baby products (yay) but it makes me think I need all of those things (not yay.)  It would be so easy to spend so much on unnecessary things!  I appreciate the glimpse I've had into this website (and I'm excited about my box) but I'm trying to remember that we don't need more things!!!  Already during baby proofing I fill up a bag of excess stuff for Goodwill every week. Ironically, many of them trinkets, vases, and other decorative items originally bought at Goodwill.

Prayer. We are hoping to dedicate John on Mother's Day (or Father's Day) and we have to do some prep work including reading "Shepherding a Child's Heart." I'm excited to start it after hearing good things from several friends.  I've been praying a lot - when I am at my wits end with a crying baby in the high chair, a crying baby not wanting to go back to bed, a whiny baby I am tired of, and ideally during happier times as well [put down the ipad and pray for John during nursing.] Mostly I pray that we are parents enough for John. God gave him to us to watch, to teach, to love - so he must have known we can do it (with His help!)  We DO have enough strength to sway and shush a teething baby 5 more minutes. We DO have enough strength to pick up his spoon, thrown to the ground, again.  This has really helped my attitude when times have been hard.  Which is not super frequent - John really is a joy - but if you consider my time with him during the week is 6a-8a (I'm tired) and 5p-7p (dinner, bath, nighttime and he is cranky) - is not the best time for either of us.  I am so grateful of a job I can work from home so I can fit in some snuggles and books during lunchtime. And I'm thankful that most of those working hours, John can be cared for by Zach.

So much for not talking about the baby.  I feel like I might have had some other thoughts but now sitting here at the computer I am drawing a blank.


  1. Oooh, I've been wanting to try the citrus lane thing too...buuuuut...I haven't for the same reason you said. I'm going to feel like I NEED all that stuff. And I don't. haha. Fun none the less. :)

    I like your blog post though. It is nice to hear about each others lives. Sometimes it's hard to get past these cute babes of ours though. They steal our minds I swear!

    I have been trying to be more purposeful in praying also. It's hard when you're tired haha. God has given us these sweet little guys though. What a gift! I take comfort in knowing that God has Jack in his arms even when I suck at praying for him. He knows my heart haha. Aaaaand I'm done with my rambling reply. :)

  2. Yes, it is a busy time. You're doing a great job! Keep it up mama.

  3. I like John updates, but I like Christy updates too!! Citrus Lane sounds like a wonderfully scented place to walk. ;)

    Also every time I see your friend Emily's thumbnail I think she's my friend Lisa.
